Zion Piano Studio

Announcing the 2019 Spring Zion Piano Studio Recital

Monday, April 15, 2019 by Quesada, Jose | Recitals

Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.

(Ephesians 5:19, NIV)

The 2019 Spring Zion Piano Studio Recital be presented on Thursday, May 9 of 2019 at 6:00pm at Christ Church Fort Worth. The recital is intended for families and friends of the students of the Zion Piano Studio. Students of different ages and levels will interpret a program that consists of a combination of teaching pieces and works from the standard repertoire. An award ceremony to recognize the achievements of Zion students will follow the performances. A small reception for the attendees will conclude the event. The rehearsal and performance class for the recital will happen on Sunday, May 9 in 2019 at 2:00pm at the same location.

If you always wanted to play the piano or if you value a balanced music education for your kids and grand kids, consider enrollingin the Zion Piano Studio. We are a Christ-centered piano academy, founded and directed by Dr. José Pablo Quesada and Dr. Won Yong Lee, with main operations in the City of Benbrook, Texas.We offer private lessons all year around in piano, music theory, and music history.Lessons are combined with performance opportunities for our families and our local community. We support the City of Benbrook through local organizations and our own ministry. We foster Christianity worldwide through our Christ Church Fort Worth, Jews for Jesus, the Assemblies of God World Missions, and other outreach programs.

Second Grade Student Wins a Medal in the TMTA World of Music Test

Monday, April 8, 2019 by Quesada, Jose | Students

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

(Proverbs 16:3, NIV)

Will Tiblets, student of the Zion Piano Studio in Benbrook, won a medal in the 2018-2019 World of Music Test organized by the Texas Music Teachers Association. Mr. Tiblets scored a grade of 92 in an examination that covers basic concepts in music history. The event took place on Friday, March 22 of 2019 in Fort Worth. Mr. Tiblets studied music history for a semester before taking the examination. This award represents the first medal of the Zion Piano Studio in the Grade Two category of the TMTA World of Music Test.

A resident of Fort Worth, Will Tiblets is a student of the Fort Worth Country Day. He has been taking piano, theory, and history lessons for two years from Dr. Jose Pablo Quesada in Benbrook’s Zion Piano Studio. Mr. Tiblets won the Bronze Medal in the 2018 Spring Theory Test (Grade One) and a Gold Meda in the 2018 Fall Theory Test (Grade Two). He has performed piano recitals in churches and retirement centers in Fort Worth and the Benbrook area.

The purpose of the World of Music is to introduce students to music history through the study of composer’s music, their life, and composition styles. To participate in this activity, World of Music books are available to purchase for levels 1-12.  The books and testing information have been created so that students may enter at any time in their current grade level. Registered students are tested in the spring semester over the information in their World of Music and those who receive a 90% or higher will receive a gold medal.

The Zion Piano Studio is a Christ-centered piano academy, founded and directed by Dr. José Pablo Quesada and Dr. Won Yong Lee, with main operations in the City of Benbrook, Texas. We offer private lessons all year around in piano, music theory, and music history. Lessons are combined with performance opportunities for our families and our local community. We support the City of Benbrook through local organizations and our own ministry. We foster Christianity worldwide through our home church, Jews for Jesus, the Assemblies of God World Missions, and other outreach programs.

Zion Piano Student Partners with the MusicLink Foundation to Offer Scholarships

Monday, April 1, 2019 by Quesada, Jose | Lessons

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

(Hebrews 13:16, NIV)

The Zion Piano Studio has partnered with the MusicLink Foundation to provide a scholarship of at least 50% of our normal tuition fee to low-income families. The spots are reserved for families interested in piano lessons, but who normally cannot afford them. Interested families will have to meet certain criteria, which will be checked by the Foundation through an application process. Families interested in this opportunity must contact the Studio at 817-372-6884 or at info@zionpianostudio.com.

The MusicLinkFoundation is a non-profit organization that links promising students in need with professional music teachers who volunteer to teach on partial to full scholarship for as long as these students wish to learn.The MusicLink Foundation assists in the purchase and repair of instruments, moving costs for donated pianos, camp scholarships for our students, and coordination and expansion of programs into new communities across the country. Foundation funding relies on contributions from the public, in-kind instrument donations from business partners and grants. The MusicLink Foundaiton has served over 6500 students in 50 states and 4 Canadian provinces with teachers donatingover 450,000 hours of instruction, equivalent to over $11million of in-kind service to the program.

The Zion Piano Studio is a Christ-centered piano academy, founded and directed by Dr. José Pablo Quesada and Dr. Won Yong Lee, with main operations in the City of Benbrook, Texas. We offer private lessons all year around in piano, music theory, and music history. Lessons are combined with performance opportunities for our families and our local community. We support the City of Benbrook through local organizations and our own ministry. We foster Christianity worldwide through our home church, Jews for Jesus, the Assemblies of God World Missions, and other outreach programs.