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Rhythm Vocabulary Chart Book 1 establishes a basic rhythmic foundation for the developing musician. The book contains 32 logically sequenced charts which systematically increase in degree of difficulty. Understanding the charts leads students toward rhythmic independence and proficiency.
Rhythm Vocabulary Chart Book 2 provides a sequential continuation of Book One consisting of 33 charts. Book Two is designed for more advanced players and introduces more complex rhythms and time signatures.
The Primer workbook presents keyboard drill, high, middle & low, up & down, music alphabet, introduction to the staff, dynamics, line & space notes, steps & skips on a keyboard/staff, repeated notes, treble clef lines & spaces, bass clef lines & spaces, quarter note & rest, half note & rest, whole note & rest, dotted half note, rhythm drill (no time signature), ear training and a review test. The Primer workbook is perfect for a Kindergarten student or young 1st or 2nd grader! This workbook includes 59 pages, 11 Lessons and 7 Fun Sheets. The Primer workbook is beginning Fundamental Level course material.
The Grade One workbook presents music alphabet, introduction to keyboard and staff, stem rule, steps & skips on a keyboard and staff, repeated notes, dynamics, treble clef lines & spaces, bass clef lines & spaces, quarter note & rest, half note & rest, whole note & rest, dotted half note, bar lines, double bar line, measures, time signatures, rhythm drill, vocabulary, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. The Grade One workbook is appropriate for beginning 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade students. This workbook includes 51 pages, 13 lessons and 8 Fun Sheets.
The Grade Two workbook presents music alphabet, keyboard drill, staff, stem rule, steps, skips, repeated notes, dynamics, drawing the treble & bass clef, treble & bass clef lines and spaces, quarter note & rest, half note & rest, whole note & rest, dotted half note, introduction to two-8th notes (beamed), measures, bar lines, double bar line, time signatures, rhythm drill, sharps & flats, vocabulary, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. The Grade Two workbook is appropriate for beginning 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th grade students. This workbook includes 51 pages, 14 lessons and 8 Fun Sheets.
The Grade Three workbook presents music alphabet, staff, rests, stem rule, drawing the treble clef, treble clef lines & spaces, drawing the bass clef, bass clef lines & spaces, measures, bar lines, double bar line, grand staff, intervals on a keyboard & staff, half & whole steps, sharps & flats, major scale pattern, major scales of C, F & G, rhythm drill, triads, vocabulary, ear-training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. The Grade Three workbook is appropriate for beginning 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th grade students. This workbook includes 67 pages, 17 Lessons and 7 Fun Sheets.
The Grade Four workbook presents stem rule, treble & bass clef note drill, grand staff, introduction to the 8th note & rest, beam, intervals, half & whole steps, sharps, flats, naturals, rhythm drill, major scale pattern and scales of C, G, D, A, E and F, circle of 5ths, drawing & naming major key signatures, triads & chords, vocabulary, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. The Grade Four workbook is appropriate for older beginners to begin the series. This workbook includes 67 pages, 20 Lessons and 6 Fun Sheets.
The Grade Five workbook presents stem rule, treble & bass clef note drill, introduction to 16th note & rest, dotted quarter note, ledger lines, melodic & harmonic intervals, half & whole steps, enharmonic notes, sharps, flats & naturals, major scale pattern, major scales & key signatures through five sharps & five flats, circle of 5ths, drawing major triads, primary chords, rhythm drill, vocabulary, grand staff, ear-training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 67 pages, 14 lessons and 6 Fun Sheets.
The Grade Six workbook presents stem rule, treble & bass clef note drill, ledger lines, rhythm drill, introduction to 6/8 time, triplets, intervals, major scale pattern, all major scales, circle of 5ths, drawing & naming major key signatures, triads & chords, primary chords, major & minor 3rds, major & minor triads, vocabulary, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 67 pages, 14 Lessons and 6 Fun Sheets. The Grade Six workbook is Intermediate Level course material.
The Grade Seven workbook presents writing and identifying intervals, melodic & harmonic intervals, chromatic and diatonic half steps, double sharps & double flats, simple & compound meter, conducting patterns, review of major scales, key signatures & triads, relative minor keys, minor Circle of 5ths, natural minor scales, major & minor triads, primary chords, rhythm drill, vocabulary, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 63 pages, 13 Lessons and 5 Fun Sheets.
The Theory Time: Workbook Series - Advanced Grade Nine is a comprehensive music theory workbook that covers a wide range of topics, including intervals, triads, melody writing, transposition, and more. With 63 pages, 11 lessons, and 4 Challenge Sheets, the workbook provides ample opportunity for students to practice and apply their skills. The book is well-organized, easy to navigate, and includes free ear training videos for each ear training exercise on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This resource is an ideal tool for anyone looking to improve their music theory knowledge and skills, including serious students of music, music teachers, and other musicians.
The Grade Ten workbook presents perfect, major, augmented & diminished intervals & inversions, chromatic & diatonic half steps, major, minor, diminished & augmented triads & inversions, diatonic, chromatic & whole tone scales, three types of minor scales, seventh chords, V7 chords, major & minor circle of 5ths, parallel keys, simple, compound & irregular meter, open & close harmony in four-part writing, authentic & half cadences, four-part harmonic analysis, transposition, melody writing in melodic minor, vocabulary, composition, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 59 pages, 10 lessons and 5 Challenge Sheets.
The Medallion Bronze workbook presents music alphabet, keyboard, staff & grand staff, stem rule, steps & skips on a keyboard & staff, repeated notes, dynamics, drawing the treble & bass clefs, treble clef lines & spaces, bass clef lines & spaces, quarter note & rest, half note & rest, whole note & rest, dotted half note, 8th note, bar lines, double bar line, measures, time signatures, rhythm drill, intervals, half & whole steps, sharps & flats, major scale pattern, major scales of C, F & G, vocabulary, ear training and a review test. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 67 pages, 18 Lessons and 6 Fun Sheets. The Medallion Series is an accelerated method appropriate for adults, older beginning students, and college-bound students preparing for AP Examinations in Music Theory.
The Medallion Silver workbook presents drawing the treble & bass clefs, treble clef lines & spaces, bass clef lines & spaces, staff & grand staff, notation, 8th note & rest, 16th note & rest, dotted quarter & dotted 8th notes, note groupings, time signature, rhythm drill, stem rule, ledger lines, melodic & harmonic intervals, chromatic signs, half & whole steps, enharmonic notes, major scale pattern, all major scales & key signatures, Circle of Fifths, tonic, subdominant & dominant triads, major & minor 3rds, major triads and vocabulary. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 83 pages, 17 Lessons and 7 Fun Sheets. The Medallion Series is an accelerated method appropriate for adults, older beginning students, and college-bound students preparing for AP examinations in Music Theory.
The Medallion Gold workbook presents drawing the treble & bass clefs, treble clef lines & spaces, bass clef lines & spaces, staff & Grand Staff, notation, 8th note & rest, 16th note & rest, dotted quarter & dotted 8th notes, note groupings, simple, compound & asymmetrical meter, 6/8 time, common time, cut time, rhythm drill, conducting patterns, Perfect & Major intervals, stem rule, ledger lines, triplets, double sharp & double flat, chromatic & diatonic half steps, enharmonic notes, all major scales & key signatures, relative major & minor, three types of minor scales, major & minor Circle of Fifths, tonic, subdominant & dominant triads, major, minor & diminished triads, transposition, melody writing and vocabulary. Free ear training videos for each ear training exercise are hosted on the Theory Time YouTube channel. This workbook includes 99 pages, 21 Lessons and 9 Fun Sheets. The Medallion Series is an accelerated general music theory method appropriate for adults, older beginning students, and college-bound students preparing for AP examinations in Music Theory.
The Medallion Platinum workbook is an advanced level that presents spelling Major triads, chromatic & diatonic half steps, rhythm, key signatures, primary chords in inversions, Major & three types of minor scales, melody writing in Major and melodic minor, transposition, classification of intervals by type & size, exact same pitch, enharmonics, harmonic & melodic intervals, altering intervals, tritone, parallel keys, chromatic & whole tone scales, diatonic scale & chords, scale degrees, chords on a grand staff with figured bass, seventh chords, V7 chords in root position & inversions, simple, compound & asymmetrical meter, note groupings, 32nd note & rest, authentic, half & plagal cadence, voice-leading rules, four-part harmonic analysis, general voice-leading rules, sight-singing and vocabulary. This workbook also includes vocabulary, ear training, graphic hints, a comprehensive review test and consists of 107 pages, 18 lessons and 6 Challenge Sheets. Free ear training videos complement the Medallion ear training exercises on the Theory Time YouTube Channel.
The Medallion Diamond workbook presents simple, compound & asymmetrical meter, altering intervals, tritone, inverting intervals, chromatic & diatonic half steps, enharmonics, simple & compound intervals, Major, minor, diminished & augmented triads in root position, 1st & 2nd inversion, diatonic triads on a diatonic scale, scale degree names, all primary & secondary chords, figured bass, Major & minor key signatures, three types of minor scales, relative & parallel minors, chromatic & whole tone scales, authentic, half, plagal & deceptive cadences with voice-leading rules, perfect & imperfect cadences, four-part harmonic analysis & writing in root position and with inversions, seventh chords, V7 chord & resolution to tonic in root position & inversions, doubling rules, melody writing, transposition, monophonic, homophonic & polyphonic music, canon, round, fugue, invention, rondo, binary, ternary form, Sonata-Allegro form, sonatina analysis, modes, twelve-tone row,augmented sixth chords, sight-singing and vocabulary. The Diamond workbook includes 115 Pages, 21 Lessons and 6 Challenge Sheets.